Apple and AT&T Ask Customers to Sign Contract before Purchasing a “Contractless” iPhone
May 12, 2009 by Lisa Oshima | Mobile(3) Comments
I went to the Apple Store in Walnut Creek, California on Saturday to buy what I KNEW would be the best birthday present ever for my uncle… An iPhone without the contract. Now, before you gasp, gulp, and bemoan the fact that I’ve never bought YOU such an extravagant birthday gift, let me digress for a moment to say: 1) Stop whinging ;-D 2) It’s the thought that counts 3) it was a joint gift 4) a group of us agreed to buy it for him last year, but didn’t because we didn’t want him to get stuck with the hefty data charges. We rainchecked the gift, so this year counted double. I’ll get back to my story soon, but first, another diversion to set the stage… (more…)