Tag Archive | "vox"
March 30, 2009 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
(13) Comments
Today, I’m excited to launch SocializeMobilize.com. On it, I’ll be publishing articles about social media, web 2.0, mobile, and mobile and web convergence. You’ll also find all of the legacy content from my former blog, socialmedia.vox.com, which I started in 2006. Under “services” tab, you’ll find more information about me and the consulting practice I’ve […]
April 25, 2008 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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At Ryan Kruder‘s suggestion, I decided to give “Blog It” a try. Blog It is SixApart’s Facebook app that allows you to update your various blogs, Twitter, and Facebook Status. BlogIt is an interesting idea… Being able to broadcast your thoughts from one place outward is great. And, yet, doing it from within Facebook is […]
December 16, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
(3) Comments
In addition to consulting for SocialMedia Networks and Covered Communications, I now consult for ShoZu Inc., the leading provider of mobile social media services that connect mobile consumers with their online social networks, personal blogs, photo storage sites and other Web 2.0 properties from their mobile phone. ShoZu allows users to engage with social media […]
December 3, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
(1) Comment
Testing Mobile Vox from my Treo 750v (unlocked)… The app is very easy to use, but I wish you could take pics not only from your phone but from your Vox and Flickr accounts too. You can’t choose size or positioning of photos or spell check either, but it’s still a great app… stable and […]
March 1, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
(3) Comments
Today, on Webpronews, Steven Bradley addresses some interesting questions raised in a couple of other blogs – namely: Is there an optimal post length? Will shorter posts help to retain readers and even lead to more links? What makes you unsubscribe from a blog’s RSS feed? Bradley’s ultimate conclusion is that the best blogs have […]
February 13, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
(11) Comments
Web 2.0 is changing the way that people publish, access, and spread news. Newspaper subscriptions are down, and the number of bloggers is up. Blurb is changing that. Blurb is capitalizing on the rising interest in on-line self-publishing (e.g. blogs) and the continuing popularity of books. In their beta release, they’ve made it simple and […]
February 8, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
(4) Comments
As many fellow VOXers know, there is no way to tell how many hits your blog gets (or how many people read or talk about it)… Six Apart doesn’t provide a counting utility to bloggers. (If they did, the bloggers generating the most traffic on VOX might be tempted to leave to start revenue generating […]
February 5, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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ComScore and Federated Media (FM), which represents social media sites including Digg, PROTRADE, BoingBoing, and Dooce recently announced that they would be working together on a “research and development initiative designed to provide comprehensive measurement of conversational media such as blogs and community-driven sites.” I’m looking forward to seeing the outcome of this research, especially […]
January 16, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
(3) Comments
Everyone in marketing is talking about “social media” these days. I’d be tempted to add the term “Social Media” to my “bullshit bingo” card, except that as you can probably tell from my previous blog posts, I like social media. In 2007, developing an effective Social Media strategy is an important part of developing a […]
January 2, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
(5) Comments
Today, I got a very nice email from the Marketing Manager at Indeed.com. She wanted to provide clarification on a few of the comments that appear regarding my December 30th posting about job trends in social media. However, as a non Voxer, she couldn’t provide comments. She says she tried to enroll for Vox, but […]