Tag Archive | "web 2.0"
February 13, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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Web 2.0 is changing the way that people publish, access, and spread news. Newspaper subscriptions are down, and the number of bloggers is up. Blurb is changing that. Blurb is capitalizing on the rising interest in on-line self-publishing (e.g. blogs) and the continuing popularity of books. In their beta release, they’ve made it simple and […]
February 8, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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Here’s some great food for thought- especially the last minute of the video: Web 2.0 is linking people…People sharing, trading, and collaborating… We’ll need to re-think a few things… copyright authorship identity ethics aesthetics rhetorics governance privacy commerce love family ourselves
January 30, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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A new survey conducted by Zogby International on behalf of the United States Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee was just published, in advance of the annual State of the Net policy conference, which is due to take place on January 31st in Washington, DC. 1,200 adults were surveyed between 1/24/07 and 1/26/07, and the results […]
January 29, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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The World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos Switzerland took place between January 25-29th. Today, I discovered some great footage from that meeting on YouTube, which dovetails nicely into my blog from Friday, in which I made several predictions for mobile in 2008. In the video, Chad Hurley, Co-Founder of YouTube, talks about some of […]
January 23, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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I’ve talked a lot in this blog about how companies are using social media to capture new customers and engage existing customers. Today, Advertising Age wrote a fascinating article on the success of Canadian toy manufacturer, Ganz, who has used social media and the Internet to spark massive sales of its Webkinz stuffed animals. I’ve […]
January 22, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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If you’re a blogger, aspiring journalist, or market researcher listen up. Mashable is paying its users to write “Top 10” review posts between 600 and 1300 words, talking about web-based products in a particular category. Click here to learn how it works. This seems like an interesting (and inexpensive) way for Mashable to generate new […]
January 18, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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Today, the Associated Press reported, that four families filed separate lawsuits against News Corp (MySpace), claiming that their 14 and 15 year old daughters were sexually assaulted by pedophiles they met on-line. The families, located in New York, Texas, Pennsylvania and South Carolina, are seeking millions of dollars damages, claiming that MySpace didn’t initiate strong […]
January 11, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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Today, the self-proclaimed “tech gossip rag,” Valleywag, published the following graph, suggesting that Social Networking is past its peak from a media coverage perspective: 011107-valleywag Valleywag writes: The social network — the umbrella term for features of a website which allow users to track their friends — is past its peak. Mentions in the press […]
January 10, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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Gather is a social networking site for adults. It is free, fun, well organized, and a little bit like vox, though it encourages cross posting of blogs, articles, comments, etc. around specific “groups” of participants with similar interests. There are some really interesting blogs, conversations, and participants happening on Gather… For example, one of America’s […]
January 9, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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There is a great article in the January 15 issue of BusinessWeek on Web 2.0 and Social Media in China: “China: Falling Hard for Web 2.0”. Check it out!