Tag Archive | "smo"
February 13, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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Web 2.0 is changing the way that people publish, access, and spread news. Newspaper subscriptions are down, and the number of bloggers is up. Blurb is changing that. Blurb is capitalizing on the rising interest in on-line self-publishing (e.g. blogs) and the continuing popularity of books. In their beta release, they’ve made it simple and […]
February 12, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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Barack Obama just launched a social media/ social networking website to further his presidential campaign in 2008: my.barackobama.com. While I haven’t made any decisions about who I will support in the 2008 presidential election, I signed up for a “test account” on My.Barackobama.com to test the social media functionality of Obama’s website. The features/functionality of […]
February 8, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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As many fellow VOXers know, there is no way to tell how many hits your blog gets (or how many people read or talk about it)… Six Apart doesn’t provide a counting utility to bloggers. (If they did, the bloggers generating the most traffic on VOX might be tempted to leave to start revenue generating […]
February 8, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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Here’s some great food for thought- especially the last minute of the video: Web 2.0 is linking people…People sharing, trading, and collaborating… We’ll need to re-think a few things… copyright authorship identity ethics aesthetics rhetorics governance privacy commerce love family ourselves
February 7, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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I read a really interesting blog today called “The iTunes personality test”. In it, blogger, Rob Horning, offers his thoughts on PsyBlog’s report on a recent study (Rentfrow & Gosling, 2006), which paired participants in same sex and opposite sex pairs and asked them to get to know each other over six weeks. The result […]
February 5, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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ComScore and Federated Media (FM), which represents social media sites including Digg, PROTRADE, BoingBoing, and Dooce recently announced that they would be working together on a “research and development initiative designed to provide comprehensive measurement of conversational media such as blogs and community-driven sites.” I’m looking forward to seeing the outcome of this research, especially […]
January 31, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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Today, I read an interesting article on Pocket-Lint, which summarizes a recent Harris Poll, which questioned 2,309 people back in December 2006: Of all frequent YouTube users, two-thirds (66%) claim they are sacrificing other activities when on YouTube. Although their visits to the site are most likely to have been at the expense of visiting […]
January 30, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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A new survey conducted by Zogby International on behalf of the United States Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee was just published, in advance of the annual State of the Net policy conference, which is due to take place on January 31st in Washington, DC. 1,200 adults were surveyed between 1/24/07 and 1/26/07, and the results […]
January 29, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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The World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos Switzerland took place between January 25-29th. Today, I discovered some great footage from that meeting on YouTube, which dovetails nicely into my blog from Friday, in which I made several predictions for mobile in 2008. In the video, Chad Hurley, Co-Founder of YouTube, talks about some of […]
January 26, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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Yesterday, inCode Telecom Group Inc. announced its “Top 10 Global Wireless Predictions for 2007”. Topping the list as the number one trend for wireless operators in 1007 is Social Networking: “Social Networking Gets Mobilized. Mobility is added to existing Internet business models, services and behaviors, driving traffic for wireless operators. Teens and twenties accustomed to […]