Tag Archive | "Internet"
November 10, 2009 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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As a prolific LinkedIn and Twitter user, I was excited to hear the two companies announce an integration yesterday: I was less excited when I actually tried to use it- and couldn’t.
January 22, 2008 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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Tomorrow marks the 1 year anniversary of the publication of one of my most popular posts to date: “Using Social Media to Sell Products to Kids…Interesting but Potentially Dangerous.” In that post, I talk at length about how toy manufacturer Ganz is using the internet and social networking principles to market and promote its very […]
January 4, 2008 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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At the end of November, I published a Dear Abby-esque post on Plaxo Pulse. In it, my friend, Paul emailed me to get my opinion on Plaxo Pulse, and I didn’t have many (okay, ANY) positive things to say about it. So, it was with great amusement that I read Michael Arrington’s post on TechCrunch […]
December 21, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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With all my talk in earlier blogs about the benefit of companies employing a social media strategy, I thought that it would be a good idea to review a product that enables companies to build their own social media empire. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to see a demo of a great new product from […]
January 30, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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A new survey conducted by Zogby International on behalf of the United States Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee was just published, in advance of the annual State of the Net policy conference, which is due to take place on January 31st in Washington, DC. 1,200 adults were surveyed between 1/24/07 and 1/26/07, and the results […]
January 23, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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I’ve talked a lot in this blog about how companies are using social media to capture new customers and engage existing customers. Today, Advertising Age wrote a fascinating article on the success of Canadian toy manufacturer, Ganz, who has used social media and the Internet to spark massive sales of its Webkinz stuffed animals. I’ve […]
January 20, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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Thanks to technology and the Internet, the world is becoming increasingly transparent and accessible. Social media is playing an important role in this transformation. So far, most people seem to be responding to the power of social media favorably, and they’re using the power of social media for good. However, there is a risk that […]
January 18, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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Today, the Associated Press reported, that four families filed separate lawsuits against News Corp (MySpace), claiming that their 14 and 15 year old daughters were sexually assaulted by pedophiles they met on-line. The families, located in New York, Texas, Pennsylvania and South Carolina, are seeking millions of dollars damages, claiming that MySpace didn’t initiate strong […]
January 9, 2007 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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There is a great article in the January 15 issue of BusinessWeek on Web 2.0 and Social Media in China: “China: Falling Hard for Web 2.0”. Check it out!
December 7, 2006 by
Lisa Oshima |
Social Media
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Are you looking for a thrill and hoping to strike it filthy stinking rich? Are you a risk taker with disposable income and time on your hands? Want to own a huge house in a great location? Want to make friends on-line? If you’ve answered “YES” to all of these questions, forget about buying lottery […]