Tag Archive | "lisa whelan"

More Talk of the US Dollar on the Slide

October 15, 2007 by Lisa Oshima | Consulting, Developers, Enterprise
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In my last post, I talked a bit about what the decreasing value of the dollar means for social media start-ups.  Yesterday in Tech Crunch, there was an interesting article on who is “winning” and “losing” as a result of the dollar on the slide.  It is well worth a read, offering an interesting and […]

Talking Social Media at the Girl Geek Dinner in London

October 12, 2007 by Lisa Oshima | Developers
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I just got back from a 2 week work + vacation trip to London.  On the night I arrived (Sept 26), I was invited to a London Girl Geek Dinner in London sponsored by Astraware, a company I worked closely with while I was a consultant at Palm.  The Girl Geek Dinners are increasing in […]

Social Networking Platforms Tempting Investors

August 27, 2007 by Lisa Oshima | Financing, Social Media
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Today, Reuters published an interesting article “Social Network Sites Tempt Investors” talking about the liklihood of a flury of social networking IPOs.  The article is well worth a read for all of you social media fans out there.  According to the article, so called “Wall Street observers” believe that United Online Inc.‘s recent registration for […]

Appsaholic Facebook Developer Conference Recap

August 22, 2007 by Lisa Oshima | Advertising, Events, Social Media
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Tonight is the first chance I’ve had to write about the Facebook Developer/ Influencer conference that I went to last week.  The event was an invite-only afternoon of panel discussions hosted by Seth Goldstein of SocialMedia.  Attendees included about 50 developers, entrepreneurs, investors, and a couple of bloggers, and the discussions ranged from “When, if […]

How Facebook Got a Whole Lot Cooler

July 30, 2007 by Lisa Oshima | Developers, Enterprise, Social Media
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Over the past couple of months, I’ve noticed an unusually large increase in the number of my friends and former colleagues based in the UK that are joining Facebook.  The recent surge in popularity of Facebook among my UK friends has me wondering: What lit a fire under so many people in non-overlapping networks to […]

BlogRovr, BlogRover Send My Favorite Bloggers Right Over!

March 27, 2007 by Lisa Oshima | Social Media
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The folks at Activeweave (makers of Stickis, which I’ve written about before), have just introduced a great new website and plug-in called BlogRovr.  BlogRovr is a great little tool aimed at blog enthusiasts.  It allows you to see whatever your favorite bloggers have written about anywhere on-line. Here’s how it works: Visit Blogrovr.com and sign-up […]

Sinbad Dies & Is Re-Born (Wikipedia Apparently Not An Authority on Everything)

March 16, 2007 by Lisa Oshima | Social Media
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Here’s another great example of the power of social media. Today’s example illustrates just how quickly rumors can spread via social media properties…  This weekend, rumors began to circulate saying that comedian, “Sinbad” died.   The AP reports that the rumor started on Wikipedia, when someone changed the entry for “Sinbad” to say that he died […]

Google to Launch a Phone?! Here’s Hoping it’s Fully Loaded with Social Features!

March 7, 2007 by Lisa Oshima | Mobile, Review, Social Media
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Polaris Venture Partners general partner Simeon Simeonov is the latest to suggest that Google is working on a mobile Phone. In his blog, Simeonov divulges that Andy Rubin (who founded Danger and later, Asteroid, which was ultimately sold to Google) is working with a team of about 100 people on a Google phone.   He also […]

Dada.net launches Friend$, Partners with Google AdSense to Pay Social Media Users

March 2, 2007 by Lisa Oshima | Advertising, Social Media
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Italy-based social networking company, Dada S.p.A., is partnering with Google AdSense to pay users for allowing ads on their space.  Dada’s new Friend$ is an opt-in revenue sharing program that rewards users for adding friends and updating the content of their Dada space.  According to Dada, Friend$ is, “the only program that rewards you both […]

Social Media Marketing – Looking Beyond SEO and SMO to Testing and Website Optimization

March 1, 2007 by Lisa Oshima | Enterprise
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Today, on Webpronews, Steven Bradley addresses some interesting questions raised in a couple of other blogs – namely: Is there an optimal post length? Will shorter posts help to retain readers and even lead to more links? What makes you unsubscribe from a blog’s RSS feed? Bradley’s ultimate conclusion is that the best blogs have […]



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    • Jeffrey Matthew Cohen: Such a beautiful blog post. I never met Jeff in person, but over ten years ago, I was looking to make a huge career/lif...
    • Right Travel: Great post....
    • Right Travel: Great job!! Thanks for the blog! :)...
    • Cheryl McNinch: all that is true and makes people look more creepy and tracking people with glasses is plane out weird....